Exhibitions – Hans Withoos


*FLowerart Museum Aalstmeer‘ Group Bloeiende Melodiën’ (blooming Melodies)  till jan 27 2025 with personally created music from Mike Boddé

* SOLO StadhuisMuseum Zierikzee  ‘Zeeuwse Gronden’
   feb tm mei 2025

* Doorlopende tentoonstelling @ ZERP Galerie
   Contemporary Art Gallery van Oldenbarneveltstraat 120 A Rotterdam https://www.zerp.nl/

*Wintersalon‘ Sohnfineart Lenox MA USA jan 27 2025  – mrt 24 2025

* PAN Amsterdam Zerp

*KunstRAI Zerp

International art fairs by Ronen Art Gallery:  by Art Fairs: Hampstead UK; Berlin Germany; New York USA; Brussels Belgium; London UK; Stockholm Sweden; Battersea UK; Hamburg  Germany

International art fairs by Galerie Persoon:  Hasselt art Fair


* SOLO Gasunie Groningen
   sept-dec 2024

*FLowerart Museum Aalstmeer‘ Group Bloeiende Melodiën’ (blooming Melodies) oct 6 2024  till jan 27 2025 with music from Mike Boddé personally created for each artist

* Doorlopende tentoonstelling @ ZERP Galerie
   Contemporary Art Gallery van Oldenbarneveltstraat 120 A Rotterdam https://www.zerp.nl/

* ‘Living Landscapes’ aug 30- okt 15 Galerie Zerp Rotterdam

*Creations of Curiosity‘ Sohnfineart Lenox MA USA oct 4 2024 – jan 14 2025

* Volta Basel The Camp Galerie Miami

* PAN Amsterdam Zerp

*KunstRAI Zerp

International art fairs by Ronen Art Gallery:  by Art Fairs: Austin USA; Hampstead UK; Berlin Germany; New York USA; Brussels Belgium; London UK; Stockholm Sweden; Battersea UK; Hamburg    Germany


* ‘The world of Withoos’ short experimental surrealistic film
in co-operation with Inge Theunissen:

  • X world short film festival             Rome


  • Winner: best editing;Winner: best short film

  • Style international Fashion Film Festival                Los Angeles


        Winner:  Best experimental film


  • Rome Prisma Film Awards             Rome


  • Venice intercultural Film Festival             Venice


  • Corsenal Production International Filmfestival Salerna


* Bigscreenplaza New York
vanaf 4 april 2023
* Perfect till the end. The end of perfect.
van 9 februari 2023 t/m 13 februari 2023 – During Rotterdam Art Week

* Doorlopende tentoonstelling @ ZERP Galerie
Contemporary Art Gallery van Oldenbarneveltstraat 120 A Rotterdam https://www.zerp.nl/

* Pan Amsterdam Fair
19-26 november 2023

* KunstRAI Fair
27 maart-01 april 2023

International art fairs by Ronen Art Gallery: Art Fairs:  Hampstead UK; New York USA; London UK; Stockholm Sweden; Battersea UK; Hamburg Germany


*  Sweeter than Paradise Solo exhibition
van 15 okt. 2022 t/m 12 november 2022

*  ‘Ander licht op Withoos’ Tentoonstelling museum Flehite Amersfoort
van 12 dec. 2021 t/m 11 september 2022

* Doorlopende tentoonstelling @ ZERP Galerie
Contemporary Art Gallery van Oldenbarneveltstraat 120 A Rotterdam https://www.zerp.nl/

* Not Diors New Look The Contemporary Art Modern Project Miami Florida U.S.A.
22 febr- 22 march 2022

* Pan Amsterdam Fair
20-27 november 2022

* KunstRAI Fair
13-18 april 2022

International art fairs by Ronen Art Gallery::  Hampstead UK; New York USA; London UK; Stockholm Sweden; Battersea UK; Hamburg Germany

Work in Collections:

Museum Flehite Amersfoort, Westfries Museum Hoorn, ; Doe Museum Veendam Rabobank,Miniature Museum, Generali, ASR verzekeringen,Nationale Nederlanden, Deloitte & Touche, Delta Lloyd Hogeschool Rotterdam Erasmus University Rotterdam, CBK Rotterdam, CBK Amsterdam, CBK Helmond, CBK Gelderland, CBK Utrecht, CBK Breda, Arto-Imago Uden, Chirurgie Rijnmond Zuid, Radbout ziekenhuis Nijmegen and many private and business art collectors in Europe and the USA


*  ‘Ander licht op Withoos’ Tentoonstelling museum Flehite Amersfoort
van 12 dec. 2021 t/m 9 mei 2022

* Pan Amsterdam Fair
14-21 november 2021

Met Zerp Galerie | Beurs voor kunst-antiek & design in de RAI Amsterdam

* Think Jazzy Antwerpen ( solo)
04 nov 2021 –

Midden in het centrum van Antwerpen vind je de Think Jazzy Gallery met fine arts en drinks en in de bovenstaande periode twee etage vol met kunstwerken van Hans.

Op 19 dec. 2021 is Hans zelf aanwezig om over zijn werk te vertellen, en boeken te signeren.

Think Jazzy – Minderbroedersrui 74 – Antwerpen

* Masterly The Hague
21-24 oktober 2021

Een biennale t.o. de hofvijvers voor oude meesters, dutch design en kunst met als thema dit jaar: Ode aan het Nederlandse landschap.

12 dec-15 mei 2022
Solo ‘Withoos meets Withoos’, The People
Museum Flehite Amersfoort, i.s.m My ancestors Matthias Withoos,Alida and Pieter Withoos 17th century painters

Solo Photographic Paintings’ at Domain Oogenlust (19 May- june 27 2020
i.s.m. galerie Persoon lunch presentation on 17 May 2020
Solo ‘Withoos suite’ Think Jazzy Antwerp Belgium (jan- feb_2020)
Solo ‘Withoos meets Withoos’, The People dec 13 2020- may 09 2021
Museum Flehite Amersfoort, i.s.m My ancestors Matthias Withoos,Alida and Pieter Withoos 17th century painters
Group about photography Zerp Galerie Rotterdam
Group Think Jazzy march-dec 2020
Art fairs Photo London and Scope Miami Art Miami Beach by The DAM project Miami
Art fairs Art Breda by Gallery Sille Select
Art fairs PAN Amsterdam , Rotterdam Art week i.s.m. Zerp Galerie)

Solo Hans Withoos Galerie Pfundt Berlin
Solo “Withoos suite Think Jazzy Antwerp Belgium
Group Jean Gallery i.s.m. Think Jazzy Antwerpen Belgie
Group summerexpo Think Jazzy Antwerpen Belgie
Group ‘Summerexpo Delftware’ Galery Sille Oudewater,
Group The DAM project Miami
Group Habitus Galerie Sille Oudewater
Group ‘Voor Jillis’ Stedelijk Museum Schiedam
Group ‘Look at me’ Art Zaanstad
Group De Salon Zerp Galerie Rotterdam
Artfairs PAN Amsterdam Zerp Galerie Rotterdam
Artfairs Art Karlsruhe; Kunstrai by Eduard Planting Art Gallery Amsterdam
Artfairs Scope Miami by The DAM project Miami
Artfairs Art Den Haag by Gallery Sille Select
Artfairs AAF Brussels, AAF New York, AAF London, AAF Hamburg, AAF Stockholm, AAF Hampstead, AAF Hong Kong AAF Amsterdam by Ronen Art Gallery
Price ‘ICE FLOWERS’ third price’ International Colour Awards Los Angeles ‘Still life’ Honor of Distinction
Book Withoos meets Withoos 3rd
Project tour South Africa Orange Babies

Solo ‘Withoos meets Withoos’, including original works by Matthias Withoos, Westfries Museum Hoorn
Solo Gallery Think Jazzy Antwerpen, October-November
Solo Scope Miami USA
Group ‘Proef de Kunst’, Art Zaanstad
Group ‘December Beauties’, Anita Neve Gallery
Group DAM project Miami USA
Book ‘Withoos meets Withoos
Price ‘SQUID’ first price International Colour Awards Los Angeles ‘Food’
Art fairs AAF Brussels, AAF New York, AAF London, AAF Hamburg, AAF Stockholm, AAF Hampstead, AAF Hong Kong
Art fairs Art Breda, PAN Amsterdam by Eduard Planting Art Gallery

Art fairs Rotterdam Contemporary, Forreal Amsterdam, PAN by Eduard Planting
Amsterdam, Art Amsterdam RAI by Eduard Planting Art Gallery
Art fairs AAF Brussels, AAF New York, AAF London, AAF Hamburg, AAF Stockholm, AAF Hampstead, AAF Hong Kong
Solo SCOPE Miami by Rhonen Art Gallery
Solo ‘Photographic paintings’, Eduard Planting Amsterdam
Book Hans Withoos, Photographic Paintings; Narratives of Obstinate Beauty

Art fairs AAF Brussels, AAF Miami, AAF New York,AAF Hong Kong, AAF Stockholm, AAF Hamburg by Ronen art Gallery
Art fairs Art Amsterdam, PAN Amsterdam by Eduard Planting Art Gallery
Group ‘Staging and Revelation’, IV AFK Gallery Lisbon
Group ‘L’Homme Nu’, Galerie Pierre Alain Challier
Group FAT Art & Fashion week Toronto Canada (Muses of Klimt)
Solo ‘My name is Blessin’g, DoeMUSEUM Veendam
Solo ‘Withoos – Withoos still lifes ,’Eduard Planting Galery Amsterdam
Solo ‘Proud People’, NL=US Rotterdam
Prize 2nd prize International Colour Awards ‘Children of the World‘
Project ‘Withoos and Withoos , dramatic still lifes, Hans Withoos and his great great grandfather Matthias Withoos’
Project Art project for Rabobank Sampath Foundation, Sri Lanka in collaboration with Dieudionne Bouwman (styling)
Project ‘Heidedansers, The Male Body’, Roosendaalse Heide in collaboration with Introdans International Dance Company
Project ‘Rotterdam City of Colours’, fashion scene based on the colourful people of Rotterdam

Group FAT Art & Fashion week, Toronto Canada
Solo Dudok Arnhem in collaboration with Orange Babies
Art fair: PAN Amsterdam, realism fair 2014
Art fairs RAW Rotterdam, KunstRAI, PAN Amsterdam
Group FAT Art & Fashion week Toronto Canada
Group Royal Ontario Museum Toronto Canada
Duo ‘Revisiting the golden Age’, Weissenbruchzaal Pulchri The Hague
Solo ’My name is Blessing’ in collaboration with Orange Babies, NL=US Art consultancy Rotterdam
Nominated for best art book 2014: ‘My name is Blessing, from Zambia with love’
Project ‘The beauty is in the eyes’, Eye hospital The Netherlands